The Definition of Customer and User Experiences

The Definition of Customer and User Experiences

User Experience (UX) is not the same as Customer Experience (CX).

For those nestled into the industries that nurture Customer Experience and User Experience, the definitions are second nature, however, for those of us outside the loop, the concepts aren’t as transparent.

We looked deeper and discovered what companies and employees are really doing to define the customer and user experience from beginning to end.

Beginning with the basics, we needed to understand the actual differences between User Experience and Customer Experience. In looking for common descriptions, we found this simple graphic from Uxpin

Definition of customer experience and user experience.

What Sectors are Affected?

  • Customer Service
  • Advertising
  • Brand Specialists
  • Product Strategists
  • Content Developers
  • Data Experts
  • Designers

Consider CX as the whole enchilada customer journey.

By definition, a good customer experience means that the individual’s experience during all points of contact matches the individual’s expectations.

In practice, Customer Experience is truly playing the long game. As a result, we need to think about the product or service’s interaction with customers over the entire duration of the relationship. 

We’re not only considering that first initial pull into the sales funnel but the long-range assembly of every point of contact moving forward.

CX and UX think big picture

Think of UX as the route to meet the exact needs of the customer, without fuss or bother.

cx and ux think ease of use and efficiency

User experience is a person’s emotions and attitudes about using your product or service, along with, all things practical, experiential and meaningful. Without a doubt, in order to achieve high-quality user experience, there must be a seamless merging of services including engineering, marketing, graphic and industrial design, alongside interface design.

UX is highly subjective to the individual customer or client. As an example, consider your own human-computer interactions and how the ownership of a product has affected your experience.

So how do these 2 complex roles tie into your career? Has your company or organization implemented more advanced strategies for the betterment of the client/customer experience?

If you’re considering career advancement, we highly recommend you get your resume in front of a professional resume writer who understands the job requirements for CX and UX careers. In other words, connect with us at PWU!

Our team is here to help with Resume Writing Services, Cover Letter Writing, LinkedIn Profile Updates, and Recruiter Resume Distribution.  Contact us for a free consultation and resume evaluation.

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