To have the best results on your job search, we took a look into why resumes must be ATS compatible. Applicant Tracking Systems, you’ve heard of them, probably even had a resume (or many) scanned by them.
While the task of job searching has changed dramatically over the years, fortune now favors the strategized resume and digital communication channels.
OLD WAYS: A company posts an ad and receives 100 applicants.
HR then spends an entire day sorting through all these resumes to select a handful of potential interviewees.
NEW WAYS: A company posts an ad and receives 100 applicants.
Files are auto-loaded into ATS software. Then scanned and sorted according to keywords, experience, and education. Depending on the company, resumes deemed fit for interview are then forwarded either directly to HR Departments or Corporate Recruiters.
All This Before The Document Is Ever Seen By Human Eyes.
The system itself operates in a hierarchy. High ranks are awarded to resumes that check the most automated boxes. This means that no matter how qualified you are if your resume is not ATS friendly, it is very likely you will never be invited to discuss your qualifications in an interview.
How to play the game.
First off, the overall use of Applicant Tracking Systems has increased dramatically in the last few years. According to Zipjobs, 95% of large companies use ATS for all hiring purposes. And if you’re applying within a mid-sized company, you’re looking at a 50/50 chance that your resume will make an ATS connection.

Corporate Recruiters.
Recruiters use applicant tracking systems as a tool to stay organized and speed up their placements. In fact, once again referring to ZipJob, some stats show up to 75% of recruiters are using applicant tracking software. Of that percentage, 94% believe the software improves their hiring efficiencies.
All Credentials Must Be In a Machine-Readable Format.
A few resume focus points are listed below:
- Keyword Usage
- Basic Formats
- File Type
- Organized Sections
- Professional Font
- Spelling and Grammer
- Correct File Name
If you’re looking for more specific ATS resume tips, check out our LinkedIn article on 8 Tips To Beat Applicant Tracking Systems.
Want the big picture?
Take a look at these stats! This graphic really shows what your resume is up against when you apply for a job.

If all this overwhelms you…
Remember, you can always hire a professional. Whether you’re needing a Resume update, Cover Letter, Recruitment Services or LinkedIn Profile Optimization, our team at PWU has what you need. Feel free to connect if you have any questions.
Follow the link for a free resume review and consultation.